Employee Justice Legal Group
Fighting Every Day To Protect Your Future

Employment Attorneys Who Respect And Advocate For Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers perform a critical service in both the public and private sectors. They expose corruption, illegal activity and violations of public and consumer trust. Unfortunately, the work whistleblowers do typically comes at a great personal cost, including wrongful termination and other retaliatory actions on the part of their employers.

If you were fired or faced other punishments because you had the courage to call out wrongdoing, our team at Employee Justice Legal Group PC is ready to protect your rights and help you seek all available legal remedies. With over a dozen highly skilled trial attorneys on staff, we have the resources and experience to take on employers of all sizes, including large, well-funded corporations. We are tireless advocates for workers who have been wronged, and we will work just as hard for you.

What Makes Someone A Whistleblower?

Whistleblowing is the reporting, or complaining about, unlawful, fraudulent or unethical conduct in the workplace. Those who become whistleblowers often do so in response to their knowledge of:

  • Shareholder fraud
  • Health and safety code violations
  • Financial mismanagement
  • Fraudulent marketing practices

The reporting can either be internally (to a supervisor) or externally. California law and federal law protects whistleblowers, and an employee can pursue a legal claim of wrongful termination or retaliation if they were punished for engaging in this legally protected activity.

Examples Of Retaliatory Behavior

Being wrongfully terminated is perhaps the most obvious form of retaliation, which is why employers with any self-preservation instincts will often utilize a different strategy. Other examples of employment retaliation include:

  • Giving the worker poor performance reviews (in contrast to previously good ones), often setting up a pretext for termination or demotion later on
  • Creating a hostile work environment where the whistleblower faces insults, threats and general condemnation
  • Reduced pay or loss of benefits
  • Reassignment into a different and undesirable role in order to demoralize the worker into quitting
  • Sudden shift reassignments (such as overnights) that the whistleblower has never been asked to cover in the past

If you know or strongly suspect that you are facing retaliation, it is critical to gather as much evidence as you can, including emails, performance reviews, witness statements, pay stubs and changes in work schedule. Then, reach out to our firm to discuss next steps with one of our employment lawyers.

Contact Us For Trusted, Trial-Tested Representation

From our office in Los Angeles, Employee Justice Legal Group PC serves clients throughout the surrounding areas of California. We charge no legal fees until and unless we help you recover compensation and we make it easy to explore your legal options by offering free initial consultations. To get started, contact us online or call 213-669-4771.